
When someone says something or does something that triggers you, that is a clear message that you have an unresolved issue in your subconscious that needs to be addressed.

First, acknowledge your feelings, such as being angry, hurt, insecure, etc. Regardless of how bad or inappropriate another’s behavior is, it is how you react that is important.

1. Ask yourself why you may have reacted.

2. Is there something from your childhood that initiated the emotion you felt, such as fear of abandonment when one of your parents left, disappointment, verbal abuse or feeling unloved?

3. If you reacted defensively, did this behavior start as a way to protect yourself from hurtful comments from parents, or bullying by other children?

4. Your behavior may have developed as an adult. Look at experiences that initiated a change in your reactions or behavior.

5. Are you afraid to open your heart fully to another? Are you fearful of being vulnerable? Are you afraid of being hurt?

6. Are you reacting to being falsely accused, or an injustice?

The bottom line is:  Identify what triggered you, understand why it triggered you, then release all the negative energy surrounding the trigger back to Source/God for transmutation. Once you have gained the wisdom from your trigger experience, there is no need to hold on to it.

If we continue to re-live old hurts or traumatic events, we continue to hold those negative energies within us. Holding any negative emotions inside is detrimental to your health and well-being. We are meant to feel our emotions, learn from them and let them go.

Trigger Release Statement:

I release all negative energies involved with this trigger back to Source/God for transmutation, and I integrate all wisdom gained from this trigger experience for my highest good.