
Galactic Grandmother April

April is an Author, Intuitive Mentor, Quantum healer, Reiki master, Yoga teacher, and teaches alignment of your Mind-Body-Soul through consciousness expansion and spiritual practices. April provides tools to develop your intuition, discover your life’s mission, and follow your soul’s path to your best life. She writes about her spiritual journey, including many of her past lives, her multidimensional selves, working in the quantum field, higher consciousness living, and Self development courses, in the belief that others can benefit from the wisdom she has gained over lifetimes of spiritual pursuits.

How I Became a Galactic Grandmother

In March 2017, I tried to find the natal astrology chart that I had kept with me for thirty years. It was drawn up by a college professor, a personal friend, and interpreted by a talented psychic, also a personal friend. I had used this chart countless times for reference, and now it had disappeared from my important files where I’d always kept it. In retrospect, I know this was because I was supposed to upgrade to a new 5th dimensional star chart reading, aka a natal astrology chart reading.

The new astrology chart reading activated many Self-realizations, and afterwards, I needed to integrate the information I had received. A beautiful spring day awaited me, so I walked outside to ground with Mother Gaia and connect to my Higher Self. My yard looked out over rolling hills with many green trees, pink flowers, and white clouds that danced through blue skies. With gratitude for this natural beauty, I sat down and enjoyed the view.

After some relaxing breaths to center my Self, I began my meditation and without forethought or preplanning, was surprised by the words that suddenly came out of my mouth. My Higher Self had taken control and began calling forth to my multidimensional Selves, my connection to Divine Source, and the Great Cosmic Mother to restore and download all abilities and powers that would help me be the best version of my Self. I called forth all this so that I might assist in awakening and enlightening the collective consciousness.

I called forth a direct connection all the way up my Soul Stream to the Divine. I called forth the energies of Divine Source and Mother Gaia to mix for the perfect blend of energy within my Self. I called for activation of my DNA, light body, and for each physical cell to begin the age reversal process to bring me to a perfect state of energy and excellent health, so that I will fully embody Spirit on Earth, and perform my mission. I called forth all this and more, then I began taking in deep breaths, and with each exhalation my intention was to breath out love to all beings. I was instructed to breath out the energy of awakening with love, and in my mind’s eye, I saw a powerful wave of love and awakening that traveled with great speed in the quantum field around the planet. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeper, then opened my eyes as I exhaled this powerful energy and watched as it sped away.

I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and saw electric green symbols. I was told these were codes from the Great Cosmic Mother and would be downloaded into my heart chakra. I opened my eyes to exhale and wondered if I had really seen these symbols, yet when I closed my eyes again, the symbols were still there. As the symbols started to download into my heart center, I felt an enormous pressure on my heart. There seemed to be a stream of energy coming down into me that was as wide as my body, and so strong that my physical heart began to have palpitations. For a moment, I wondered if I might have a heart attack due to this strong energy, but I had faith that I was Divinely guided during this experience.

I continued my breathing, closing my eyes and seeing the symbols, then opening my eyes and watching the waves of energy I blew out. The pressure continued as the symbols were downloaded, and then eased up as the symbols began to fade. I can only guess that it might have taken ten or 15 minutes for this download and integration, yet while it was happening, I was told that my heart space was now connected to the galactic energy from the Great Cosmic Mother. I was told that where I travel, the Earth’s grid will be charged with Divine Feminine energy. I was shown the crystalline grid brightly lighting up, where I am physically present, due to the energy that now ran through me. I was told the purpose of this activation was for me to be one of many bringing in this powerful Divine Feminine energy for grounding into Mother Gaia’s crystalline grid.

Besides receiving codes and an activation, I was also initiated into the Galactic Motherhood. As I sat there, I became aware of beautiful white Divine Feminine energies surrounding me in a circle. I realized that this was a sacred ceremony, an intimate gifting of love and support from these spiritual Beings from many universes. Being initiated into the Galactic Motherhood touched me deeply, and later I learned that I had worked on the Great Cosmic Mother’s “team” for eons with these same beautiful Divine Feminine Beings.

After the codes were fully downloaded into my heart space, they disappeared. My heart remained fully open, and very uncomfortable from the energetic expansion. I have since been told by a quantum energy healer, that I am the only person she has read that has no walls around my heart. I can truly love unconditionally, and I attribute this to being connected to the Great Cosmic Mother. This was the most profound metaphysical experience I have ever had, and I still remain in awe about what happened.

During this time, I was writing a spiritual book, and had not considered doing any kind of work that would put me before the public. I was quite comfortable to be a writer, in the safety of my home, and somewhat anonymous. However, two months after the codes were downloaded, I awoke being told that I am a Galactic Grandmother. My first question was, “What is a galactic grandmother?” I was told that I would be “a purveyor of galactic truths.” Although I attended college, I immediately looked up the meaning of purveyor, to have more clarity. I felt puzzled how I could be a purveyor of galactic truths, when I wasn’t sure I knew what galactic truths were. I did have faith, however, that I would be given the knowledge I needed to provide these truths. Over the next three months, my Higher Self began answering my questions and guiding me toward my mission which now includes a website, GalacticGrandmother.com.

In the years following, I have channeled books from my Higher Self that include books on multidimensionality, the quantum field, and have accessed my akashic records to write about my past lives. I have learned that I am a facilitator of soul reconnection, that the Great Cosmic Mother uses me to find and connect with her lightworkers. When she does this, I literally feel a charge between my heart and theirs, and it’s as if she looks through my eyes at her beloveds. I feel her love for these people and feel blessed to be her channel. She has used me to download streams of energy into public places, such as a football stadium and a school auditorium.

I am not the only Galactic Grandmother on the planet at this time, although I do not know the others now. We are here at this auspicious time in humanities’ evolution to be of assistance in elevating consciousness, and anchoring energies. I have been given a vision of the beautiful timeline that awaits us, and more importantly, I have felt that timeline. The prevailing energy in that timeline is love. Love for one another, as truly a family of humans on our planet. We work together with open hearts and encourage each other to grow into our highest potential. We have all the basic necessities of life, and our children are safe.

My greatest wish for all is that we manifest this heaven on Earth as soon as possible. Until then, have hope and faith, know that we have a future awaiting us that is beyond our wildest dreams. With love and gratitude, I thank you for being here.