Home and/or Work Clearing & Blessing

Especially important for moving into new residences to clear old energies from previous owners, tenants, or construction teams. Undeveloped land prior to building, Nurseries for bringing home newborns, or newly adopted members of the family. Bedrooms to clear old energies and enhance sleep, as well as, infusing the room with love and blessings for a wonderful relationship.

Work spaces can be full of negative energies. Galactic Grandmother can clear old energies and teach you how to maintain a positive work environment for yourself.

New businesses. Galactic Grandmother will work with you to set high vibrational intentions, and infuse your business goals with energies to attract successful outcomes for all involved.


REMOTE CLEARING/BLESSING – $150 EACH for HOME OR WORK session through Zoom or telephone using Quantum and Reiki energies for clearing and blessing.


MONTHLY home or business energy maintenance appointments available


Please feel free to contact April with any questions you may have.

FIRST, Pay for your session(s) via PalPal or Venmo @GalacticGrandmother, April Cordner

SECOND, to schedule your appointment email: galacticgrandmother@gmail.com and put CLEARING/BLESSING in the SUBJECT line

Include your name, telephone number, a brief description of what you need, and when you are available for an appointment.

Galactic Grandmother APRIL WILL CALL OR TEXT TO SCHEDULE, usually within 1 business day.