Book 3 – Seeing the Plan


On an ancient Pacific island, a tradition of holy men has been passed down from the ancestors. The holy men live in a peaceful, high mountain camp. They gather plants to make medicines, commune with the spirits of ancestors, then travel from village to village giving medicines, guidance, and blessing the villagers. The holy man is welcomed by all villages, and when he asks an intuitive, young boy to be his assistant and learn medicine, it is an honor.

In Book One, Kai travels with the holy man and his older assistant, Konani, to the mountain camp where he is trained. When a young chieftain threatens war on the villages, Kai receives the sacred initiation ceremony bringing him into the ancestral lineage of medicine men.The holy man, Kai and Konani leave the mountain camp to warn the villages of impending war. Kai travels to different parts of the island, and experiences a myriad of emotions which force him to grow up quickly.

In Book Two, Kai has grown into a tall good-looking man that travels the island giving medicines to the villagers. He is also regarded as a holy man that gives blessings, and calls to the ancestors on behalf of the villagers. Kai has taken a young man and woman as assistants, to learn medicine from the old holy man, Konani and himself in the mountain camp. After the holy man has a premonition, they leave and find a foreign ship has landed at a village. The men on this ship have intentions to rape and pillage, yet it is the illness they carry, which is as deadly as their swords. Again, Kai must travel the island warning the villagers and help prepare them for eventual battle.

In Book Three, Kai travels over a dangerous sea to a new island. He finds love and builds a life with his woman. After three children, great tragedy strikes. Kai must rely upon support of friends to maneuver an uncertain future, and find peace. An interesting look at village life on ancient Pacific islands is revealed, their customs, family values, and the shaman that is responsible for providing medicines and spiritual guidance. The very real exciting experiences, emotional highs and lows, are brought to life as experienced by Galactic Grandmother in this past life.